Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thursday's With Ivan Recommends

Never make decisions on an empty stomach.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Testing the Voice Recorder

Claire's place, Windsor. Wednesday, February 24, 2010. Approx. 10:30pm.

Front Courtyard Banter – 2 ½ hours in

(conversation about over-loud orgasmic sounds)

Claire: … it's because it's at night when it's dead quiet... and it magnifies.

Me: Hmm.

Claire: Poor Dave – this is Drew's brother.

Me: How old is Dave?

Claire: Twenty-six, and a virgin. I need to find him a lady, Piper. He has such high expectations; he wants a bleached blonde, leggy, intelligent, creative, musical woman! Where am I going to find someone like that?

Me: No chance.

Drew: Hmm.

Claire: Well, he doesn't understand that that woman doesn't exist.

Me: He'll be pleasantly surprised.

Claire: You think?

Drew: Well, that's what he's got in his head, but, like, yeah, if you talk to someone new that you like, that you get along with...

Claire: Yeah...

Drew: … That's not in your head anymore. You just like them and you don't really care, like...

Claire: But he never goes out anywhere! Where's he gonna meet this woman?! [Unintelligible dialogue]

me: Well, he's not going to meet her, but one day he'll meet -

Claire: Maybe.

Me: - I mean, he's getting to a point where he's getting a bit older, and as they get older...

Claire: They being men.

Drew: Yeah I know [laughter all round], [Drew impersonates David Attenborough] As they age...

[LAUGHTER]... the male human... Piper Attenborough.

Me: You did that so well!

Claire: Yeah, you did [giggles]

Me: I haven't heard a David Atttenborough impression that good.

Claire: Drew does really good accents. Do your Irish accent.

Drew [still on the subject of his David Attenborough impersonation]: It's alarmingly like that gardening guy...

Me: Peter Cundall? The one on the A – like, um, Australian Gardening [Gardening Australia]?

Drew: Yeah [proceeds to gesture to imaginary soil and impersonate the voice of Peter Cundull – rest is unintelligible amid my shrieks of laughter, and Yes! Yes!, “That is sooo good!”]

Claire: Do your Irish accent.

Drew: Oh, everyone does the Irish one.

Me: I got accosted by an Irishman today and he completely forced my bank account details out of me! [Laughter]

Claire: Did you get yourself signed up to another one?!

Drew: To another Irishman?

Claire: Now you're with five!

Me: Yeah, I can't even afford to buy my groceries, and now I'm giving to WSPA

Claire: Piper you can't affor... You have to learn how to say no!

Me: I tried to say no! And then when I told him... I said, I said, but I already give to you... And he was like, really? How much do you give? And I was like, um, and he's like, you don't give to us do you [laughter].

[incomprehensible murmuring from Drew in accord]

Me: I was like: I give to Greenpeace, and I get emails from you guys. And he said, well that's not giving to us, now, is it? You lied to me.
